Certified Amigos Volunteer Naturalists teach students and adults about the history, ecology, birds and all the other amazing facts of the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve.

2025 Class Schedule:

January 16: Introduction, orientation & expectations, in-person class, 7 PM, Bolsa Chica State Beach Visitor Center

January 20: Assignment 1, Birds & Endangered Species online video

January 30: Birds & Endangered Species discussion (virtual, 7 PM)

February 3: Assignment 2, Ecology and Plants online video; Fish & Invertebrates reading

February 8: Ecology and Plant Walk, 9 AM, Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

February 13: Ecology, Plants and Fish discussion (virtual, 7 PM)

February 17: Assignment 3, History and Past Restoration online video

February 23: BCER Perimeter Tour, 7:30 AM, in-person drive/walk

February 27: History and Past Restoration discussion (virtual, 7 PM)

March 3: Assignment 4, Climate Change video and Sustainability Study reading

March 8: Demo Tour, 8 AM, in-person tour at the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve

March 13: Climate Change video and Sustainability Study reading discussion (virtual, 7 PM)

March 22: New Naturalist Graduation & Volunteer Recognition Celebration

  • Attend introduction, all zoom sessions, and all field trips; watch all videos; and complete quizzes. Four quizzes (Birds & Endangered Species, Ecology, Plants & Fish, History & Past Restoration and Climate Change) are open book, so use the manual, notes from videos, etc. Quizzes must be submitted no later than the Wednesday prior to the corresponding Thursday zoom session. 75% required to pass

  • Volunteer a minimum of two hours each month to lead Amigos field trips/tours/outreach. 

  • Attendance is required at one Last Saturday of the Month Bird Walk (January 25 OR February 22), one First Saturday of the Month Tour (February 1 OR March 1), and one FLOW Friday (January 17, 24, 31, February 7, 14, 28, March 7 OR 14). We understand life happens, so please let us know as much in advance as possible if you must miss a zoom session or field trip.

  • We strongly encourage you to attend any public and/or private tour as an observer.  Free public tours are the first and last Saturdays of every month. We’ll let you know dates and times of upcoming private school tours when the class is underway.

  • Limited scholarships are available for those with financial need; class fee is reduced to $35. Send your request for a Scholarship Application to info@amigosdebolsachica.org

Passing on your knowledge and educating others is a huge part of being a volunteer naturalist. The Amigos de Bolsa Chica offers a variety of opportunities for our Naturalists to teach people of all ages about the wonders of the Bolsa Chica.

Community involvement saved the Bolsa Chica wetlands from development, and

it will always be needed to educate

visitors and protect the Bolsa Chica’s treasure

of biodiversity.